the beginning

September 12, 2013 § Leave a comment

this is the start. we’re four days in. a crazy, wonderful, lustful, four days in. we started talking on september 8th. we made plans to meet on wednesday. by monday morning we both were certain wednesday would never come, so we decided our first date needed to be that night. september 9th. we sat. we talked. we calmed our nerves with some beers. blue moon for me, a lager for him. we shared appetizers. we went on a walk. he held my hand. neither one of us wanted it to end. so we saw a movie. we hadn’t planned on a movie so our choices were limited based on what was playing when we walked up. he narrowed it down to a couple options for me to pick from. both dude flicks..whatever, i just wanted to sit next to him for two hours. i would have watched anything at that point. he kissed me.

the next day was our second date. tuesday, september 10. it’s now wednesday. we’re four days, two dates, and several kisses in. some may say really? a blog? a blog about the love that neither of you have even expressed or are even close to expressing to each other? REALLY? and to those people, i say, really.

we’ve both had relationships, we both have children, we are well aware of the “process”, if you will. we’ve been there. we’ve done that. and while i can’t speak for him yet, i know i’m going to marry this man some day. i just know. and i want to have this little corner of the internet to come back to. to reminisce about all of the things we are going to cross off our bucket list. that we’ve already created. because this relationship has been different from the start. and sometimes the most amazing relationships happen when you least expect them.

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